Anti GMO Cruelty (Mitch Daniels)
03.Apr.2016Mitchell Damiels, President of Purdue University, former Governor of Indian - "You have a positive duty" to "contest and refute junk science and false claims." Two or three decades ago we were all told that we would have starved by now. That the world was going to run out of food, there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. There are huge threats, impediments, to our climbing the mountain of feeding a world o nine billion fellow humans, but they are not the ones we've known in the past. The threat this time is internal. It will be a self inflicted wound by anti GMO activists.
John Tjostem, microbiology, botany, professor emeritus of biology - Will our children and grandchildren inherit a world that has adequate food and clean energy resources to offer quality of life? If yes, we must grapple with three thorny issues which threaten to reduce quality of life in the future: 1) Finding abundant clean energy to replace dwindling fossil fuels; 2) Bringing our world’s population down to a long term sustainable level; 3) Slowing climate change.
Environmental Heresies (Stewart Brand)
17.Apr.2015Stewart Brand, 2005 -Over the next ten years, I predict, the mainstream of the environmental movement will reverse its opinion and activism in four major areas: population growth, urbanization, genetically engineered organisms, and nuclear power. Reversals of this sort have occurred before.
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