Ed Berry, PhD in Physics with a focus on atmospheric physics. Dr. Berry’s theoretical PhD thesis is recognized as a breakthrough in the science of rain formation and in the use of computer-based numerical models: Inflows don’t add to the level of carbon dioxide. Inflows set balance levels. Then actual levels approach balance levels according to a residence time of about 4 years. This leads, with some simple math, to the conclusion that the ratio of human-produced to nature-produced carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is equal to the ratio of their inflows, which is about 1:20. This conclusion is supported by common sense.
Don Bogard, radio-geochemistry, nuclear geochemistry, planetary science: This is an excellent personal summary describing what is known and what is uncertain about the topic of catastrophic man-made global warming and large rise in sea levels causing flooding of cities around the world. This is written from a personal and scientific point of view without political or faith oriented influences. It is very important to understand the topic of man-made global warming, man-made climate change, man-made climate disruption and man-made sea level rise correctly as best as possible. It has tremendous consequences if the conclusions and courses of action are right or wrong.
Don Bogard, research scientist and member of The Right Climate Stuff, TRCS, team, website: http://www.therightclimatestuff.com/. This is a description of movement of man-made carbon dioxide between major carbon, C, reservoirs: atmosphere, plants, soil, surface ocean, etc. The fraction of human C in the air today, to a first order, reflects the total size of C reservoirs with which all human C over time has been mixed. The fraction of human C present in today's atmosphere says little about the total amount of human C added UNLESS one considers the total C inventory of all C reservoirs (atmosphere, plants, soil, surface ocean, etc.) that experience C exchange.
Don Bogard, research scientist and member of The Right Climate Stuff, TRCS, team, website: http://www.therightclimatestuff.com/. This is a clearly written discussion of atmospheric sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. It explains the contributions of CO2 by activities of mankind (cement, land use, fossil fuels).
Hal Doiron, Don Bogard, The Right Climate Stuff Team: TRCS is a team of retired Apollo Lunar Program specialists performing their own independent investigation into the man-made and natural global warming issues. This article presents an evaluation of using a photo-voltaic electrical generating systems on his home by Hal Doiron and on overview on man-made and natural global warming, and renewable and nuclear energy by Don Bogard.
Roy Spencer, Ph.D. Meteorology: The total amount of CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere in the last 100 years has upset the radiative energy budget of the Earth by only 1%. How the climate system responds to that small ‘poke’ is very uncertain. Here’s a list of basic climate change questions, and brief answers based upon what I know today.
Donald Rapp, Former Full Professor of Physics and Environmental Engineering: It has become a fashionable exercise for some to count the number of published climate papers that seem to subscribe to the alarmist agenda. Unfortunately it is thoroughly unclear exactly what that agenda is. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of published papers are specific, narrowly focused, and relate to a particular aspect of climate change; very few deal with the big picture of climate change vs. greenhouse gases.
Howard Brady, Geologist. Author of Mirrors & Mazes, A guide through the climate debate: There is now a New Inquisition presided over by a clique of scientists who have given themselves the right of trial to put scientific heretics to the stake. The new torture methods are not the stake or the rack but the denial of promotion, the manipulation of the media to denigrate, and the refusal to employ. Indeed, efforts to stop such scientists publishing in scientific periodicals have extended to controlling the editorial committees of many well-known periodicals. This is the modern equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition’s Burning of the Books. (Brady, 2017)
Steve Goreham, Executive Director, Climate Science Coalition of America: It appears that the climate models have relied on a “flea wagging the dog” assumption. Forces driving Earth’s water cycle, which includes weather and the oceans, are many orders of magnitude more powerful than the ebb and flow of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. The idea that the atmospheric level of CO{-2}, a trace gas, is controlling weather and the water cycle is improbable. The idea that mankind’s relatively tiny CO{-2} emissions impact the water cycle is preposterous.
The Right Climate Stuff is a group of scientists and engineers from the US Space Program who are independently studying the topic of man-made global warming. This document is an introduction, conclusions and recommendations from their website. It is an important, independent assessment of this topic.